

席本諾HYPNOS原文之意為希臘睡神,其意義為夢的傳遞者在一世紀前由英國兩個家族企業所合資開發而成,在家族代代傳承經營下,目前已經成為英國家具史上具有相當地位的床墊生產品牌.經過時間的考驗,席本諾榮獲多項殊榮,包括歐洲床墊工藝各項大賞,並且榮頒英國皇室家徽,此項最高榮譽讓席本諾成為英國女王以及皇室成員的指定用床,同時廣被全球五星級飯店指名使用,如同給予住店客戶的保證.英國HYPNOS席本諾名床百年來堅持以手工製造,這些工匠的技術都經過世代相傳,以手工從內到外層層精心縫製,其獨特的彈簧線圈排列方式,是以超高密度蜂巢式組合,並採用專利的十字縫法, 將每一個獨立彈簧用特殊細線從中心處縫合。



Amira Hashish x Hypnos, The Art of Sleep

Want to find out how our exciting new collaboration, the 'Amira Hashish for Hypnos, the Art of Sleep' collection, came about? Then check out our video below!

Hypnos Beds 貼上了 2017年6月13日
Queen's Award!

Last week you may have noticed that we were awarded the Queen’s Award for International Trade! Here’s how James and Peter Keen responded to the news!

Hypnos Beds 貼上了 2017年4月29日

Deep pocket-spring beds are the trademark of Hypnos, elegant hand-made beds which are still produced by craftsmen, many of whom have worked at Hypnos since their apprenticeship, and who all take a great personal pride in the skilled work that goes into producing each Hypnos bed.
The skills used by these craftsmen have been handed down through generations, and the art of making a quality divan bed lives on from father to son, and mother to daughter, through Hypnos.

Hypnos beds are still made in a similar way to those slept on by our fathers and grandfathers.
Every detail on a Hypnos bed in considered, from the natural fillings in the mattresses, to the specially blanced springs in the divan bases, to the expertly cut high quality damask cloths, to the selected soft and hard woods, to the fine hand-made wool tufts and traditional hand side stitching.
Considered, tried and tested to produce the ultimate in comfort, quality and craftsmanship.

Choosing a bed is a very personal decision, and one not to be undertaken lightly. The Hypnos Classic Collection is a range of high quality, comfortable beds offering a choice of mattresses and divan bases, so that everyone can find their own perfects sleeping solution.

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